How much does Anti-wrinkle Treatments cost ? What is the price of Anti-wrinkle Injections
Most reputable practitioners and aesthetic clinics charge by the unit of Anti-wrinkle Injection, so the total cost depends on how much and how many areas you'll be having treated. The cost of Anti-wrinkle Injections also varies as some patients require more Anti-wrinkle Injections in each area because of gender differences, muscle mass differences etc.
When phoning around to compare Anti-wrinkle Treatment prices, it is important that the clinic quotes the amount of Anti-wrinkle Injection units you will be receiving if they quote per area. It is best to compare the price per unit as the clinic may quote you R900 per area but only inject 15 units in that one area- a suboptimal dose especially for the glabellar area- (the " 11 " area on the forehead) . If suboptimal doses are given, the duration of effect of the Anti-wrinkle Injections will be much shorter than the usual 3 to 4 months. The more units are given, the longer the duration effect of the Anti-wrinkle Injections.
We do not quote per area as the amount of units differs in each patient - male and female. Generally, men need approximately 1,5 times the amount of Anti-wrinkle Injections that women need as men have a larger muscle mass.
The usual quotation is approximately 20 units per area but with an experienced injector, if all 3 areas are injected in one session, less Anti-wrinkle Injection units may need to be injected eg 45 to 50 units for 3 areas as opposed to 60 units (20 units per area). Men would need 1,5 times the amount of Anti-wrinkle Injections.
Keep in mind that the less units injected, the less the duration of effect. This is why it is so important to know exactly how many units you have received for each area.
In Hollywood "Baby Bo" is known and is coined when less units are injected intentionally (usually in women) so that the duration of effect is much shorter allowing actors to have their facial expressions back sooner for a new role. This usually involves 40 units of Anti-wrinkle Injections for 3 areas (in a woman) and this amount is only expected to last 8 to 10 weeks as less units are given.
How much Anti-wrinkle Injections is needed for each area?

The amount of Anti-wrinkle Injection units differs amongst patients as some patients require more Anti-wrinkle Injections because of:
- Larger muscle mass eg. men.
- Facial expression differences, some people have a dead pan face whilst others have very expressive faces.
- Recruitment of other facial muscles outside the norm after Anti-wrinkle Injections has been given.
- Biochemical differences have to be taken into account; for example patients taking a lot of fat burners appear to metabolize Anti-wrinkle solution much faster and have a much shorter duration of action for their cosmetic treatment.
- Badly sun damaged skin changes the amount of Anti-wrinkle Injection units needed.
All of these above mentioned criteria will be assessed by the attending doctor before he or she administers Anti-wrinkle Injections and this is why it is so important to choose a clinic where the doctor focuses on aesthetics and administers Anti-wrinkle Injections to at least 5 to 10 patients a day. A doctor can only claim to be experienced in the administration of Anti-wrinkle Injections after at least 1000 patients have been injected. Additional injections may be needed to attain a perfect result as all patients are different, we do this 2 weeks after the first treatment. This will be charged accordingly if more than 2 to 4 units are needed for a top up, as we only charge for what we inject.

Where is Anti-wrinkle Injections injected to reduce wrinkles?
On the Upper Face: For a chemical brow lift , Anti-wrinkle Injections relaxes dynamic frown lines between the brow, on the forehead and the wrinkles around the eyes. Anti-wrinkle Injections makes you look less worried, angry, or tired, and more relaxed, approachable, and confident.
For the Lower Face: Anti-wrinkle Injections are used in small dilutions in a controlled fashion by a skilled physician with extensive experience, can cause a chemical jowl lift and decrease a permanent mouth frown, a very undesirable effect, and smoothen a wrinkled chin.
What kind of wrinkles does Anti-wrinkle Injections treat?
To understand the various treatments of wrinkles, one must understand that there are different kinds of wrinkles, dynamic and static lines or wrinkles.
Dynamic lines or wrinkles are those wrinkles and lines that appear when your face is animated. Static lines or wrinkles are those facial lines that are evident even when our face is at rest and are due to volume loss and are better treated with dermal fillers. These two types of wrinkles are what separate Anti-wrinkle Injections from any of the injectable fillers.
Anti-wrinkle Injections is for dynamic wrinkling. It is a muscle relaxing agent so it will soften the wrinkles and lines that occur from a dynamic facial movement, such as between the brows with frowning….or the crow' s feet from smiling… or around the mouth from excessive pursing of the lips.. With ageing, this repetitive motion the skin starts to show strain and deep folds and tiny wrinkles start to develop. Anti-wrinkle Injections will also help prevent a mouth frown by relaxing the muscles that exert a downward pull to the mouth
The symptoms that may be improved by Anti-wrinkle Injections include:
- Migraines triggered by clenching
- Grinding and clenching
- Morning jaw soreness
- Muscle tension throughout the day
- Neck pain and stiffness triggered by clenching
Alternative cosmetic uses of Anti-wrinkle Injections
On The décolleté: Anti-wrinkle Injection, when used in small dilutions in a controlled fashion by a skilled physician, can cause a modest chemical bust lift by decreasing the effect of chest muscles which pull the breasts down.
For the body: Anti-wrinkle Injections also can be used to block chemical signals from nerves that stimulate sweat glands. See Anti-wrinkle Injections for underarms and Anti-wrinkle Injections for palms. For acne conditions: Anti-wrinkle Injections when transdermed into the skin with a FDA approved machine, can decrease the secretion of sebum form the pilosebaceous unit, an important factor for acne conditions.
Another off label indication for Anti-wrinkle Injections is for chronic migraine. Anti-wrinkle Injections is injected into fixed-sites in varying locations, including the forehead, temples and potentially extending into the neck muscles. According to Allergan, the manufacturer of Anti-wrinkle Injections, Phase III clinical trials showed a significantly greater decrease in headache days among patients receiving Anti-wrinkle Injections, compared with those receiving a placebo. There are numerous medical conditions for which Anti-wrinkle Injections is used: see below.
What is Anti-wrinkle Injections made from?
Anti-wrinkle Injections is a purified botulinum neurotoxin type A complex, produced from a culture of the A strain of bacteria called Clostridium Botulinum Type A. Although the Clostridium bacteria cause botulism, the Anti-wrinkle Injections facial extract does not. Anti-wrinkle Injections has been used safely for over 15 years in the treatment of muscle disorders of the eyes and voice box, headaches, spasticity of the stomach, spasticity associated with cerebral palsy, and other neuromuscular disorders, in addition to its cosmetic indications.
Why do we get Dynamic lines or wrinkles?
When we were younger and our skin had abundant collagen, the only lines and wrinkles we had were dynamic. Our face was otherwise wrinkle-free when we weren't animated. All dynamic wrinkles, with age, will eventually lead to static wrinkles as collagen is depleted and constant motion "cracks" the skin. Dynamic Wrinkles are caused by facial expressions and repetitive facial movements. Each time we use a facial muscle, a groove forms beneath the surface of the skin, which is why we see lines form with each facial expression. As skin ages and loses its elasticity, the skin stops springing back to its line-free state, and these grooves become permanently etched on the face as fine lines and wrinkles.
How can Anti-wrinkle Injections influence how people perceive you?
You only have one opportunity to make an impression. First impressions are significantly influenced by facial expression. Research has revealed overwhelming data indicating that more attractive individuals receive better judgments and treatment from others. More recently, a US doctor has revealed from his research the positive impact Anti-wrinkle Injections can have on first impressions.
When should one start using Anti-wrinkle Injections cosmetic?
With the millions of Anti-wrinkle Injections that are performed annually, evidence and experience have shown that prolonged use of Anti-wrinkle Injections over a period of 10 years does slow down the ageing process .If we can relax these facial expressions with Anti-wrinkle Injections, then we can prevent the breaks in the skin, commonly known as wrinkles. If the skin is continually relaxed, collagen can build up in the area that is treated and the wrinkle will improve. Repeated Anti-wrinkle Injections (every 4 to 5 months) will ensure a superior long term result as collagen is not depleted by the constant motion of our muscles.
How does Anti-wrinkle Injections help the ageing process?
Consumers are always interested in maintaining a youthful appearance, and as the global population's median age increases, this market is increasingly expanding. When we are younger, the brow and jaw line elevators are more prominent and the face appears constantly elevated.
As we age, the dynamics change and the depressors take over and combined with gravity, a gradual sagging of our brow and jawline takes place. If we can keep the dynamics between elevators and depressors neutral with strategically placed Anti-wrinkle Injections every 4 to 6 months, then the sagging that occurs with ageing will be reduced.
Multiple clinical studies have shown that a modest elevation occurs in the range of 1 to 3 mms which in the face can be a make a real observable difference. Once the Anti-wrinkle Injections "kicks" in, 7 - 10 days later, the face takes on a relaxed and refreshed look and one's face appears to glow.
In other words, an anti ageing effect is achieved because Anti-wrinkle Injections relaxes the downward pressure that the depressor muscles exert on the facial tissues. This results in the elevator muscles of the face becoming more dominant, raising the brow and jawline and preventing the downturned mouth or mouth frown.
Is Anti-wrinkle Injections safe?
Anti-wrinkle Facial injections have become an essential ingredient in facial wellness, erasing frown lines and relaxing worried brows. Anti-wrinkle Injections Facial is safe and effective and has been approved for cosmetic use by the FDA. Anti-wrinkle Injections Facial has become the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure and has been used for more than 10 years in aesthetic practice and more than 20 years in neurology and ophthalmology. There are many publications supporting its use. It has a long and impressive safety record.
Anti-wrinkle Injections Facial should be injected at a physician's office by an experienced and trained medical doctor with an intimate knowledge and understanding of the muscular anatomy of the face as well as the aesthetic implications of proper placement. The final outcome of a Anti-wrinkle Injections procedure is very dependent on the experience of the injector.
In addition Anti-wrinkle Injections side effects will be minimized if done by a practitioner who has done over 1 000 procedures and who injects Anti-wrinkle Injections cosmetic daily.
• Anti-wrinkle Injections has been proven safe if administered by a trained medical professional
• Anti-wrinkle Injections has been used worldwide in millions of patients since 1988
What to Expect after a Anti-wrinkle Injections treatment?
Usually you will have a mosquito-bite looking area for 20-60 minutes which resolves without a trace. Very occasionally, little red areas at areas of injection appear but resolve within a couple of days. Try not to fall asleep or relax in a recumbent position for at least 4 hours after a Anti-wrinkle Injections procedure as this may rarely lead to some diffusion or spreading of the Anti-wrinkle Injections Facial to adjacent areas and causing problems
Your regular skin care regimen can be resumed immediately following a treatment, and makeup may be applied if desired.
After having had Anti-wrinkle Injections injections, exercise should be avoided for twenty four hours.
Try to avoid aspirin containing products or high-dosage vitamin E supplements for 48 hours before the Anti-wrinkle Injections procedure unless medically necessary. Avoidance of these for 10 days prior to the procedure is recommended to avoid bruising.
How long will it last?
Within 4 days of the treatment you should start to see an improvement in your lines and the final result only " kicks in" 14 days later. The result can last up to 4 months but varies from patient to patient and the initial amount of Anti-wrinkle Injections given. Baby "Bo" is Anti-wrinkle Injections given in 3 areas but in half the quantities of a usual procedure. This kind of Anti-wrinkle Injections will only last 6 to 8 weeks and is useful in actors who need facial expression.
With repeated Anti-wrinkle Injections treatments, the result of Anti-wrinkle Injections can last for longer periods.
Some patients have a hyperactive brow and are constantly raising their brows. In these patients a shorter effect can be expected as the Anti-wrinkle Injections is quickly "worked" out.
Can all skin types be safely treated with Anti-wrinkle Injections Facial?
Yes, all skin types can be safely treated with Anti-wrinkle Injections Facial.
Alternative uses of Anti-wrinkle Injections to treat medical and surgical conditions.
Anti-wrinkle Injections is used to treat the following conditions amongst others:
Hemifacial spasm.
Blepharospasm (Uncontrollable blinking )can result in the eyelids remaining completely closed all the time,causing functional blindness.
Spasmodic torticollis (Twisted neck; a forceful turning of the head to one side,a painful condition).
Spasmodic Dysphonia (spasm of the vocal cords) resulting in interruption of speech.
Relief of spastic conditions of the hands in children with Cerebral Palsy and in Stroke patients so as to aid personal grooming.
Tremor of Parkinsons Disease and Multiple sclerosis.
Incapacitating pain due to Chronic low Whiplash.
Incapacitating pain due to back and neck pain.
Myofascial pain syndrome (Fibromyalgia).
Chronic Tension headache.
Overactive bladder which results in frequent urination, inability to retain urine and thus frequent "leaks".
Clubfoot in babies a condition in which the heel and toes turn inward. Anti-wrinkle Injections lengthens tendons by relaxing them, (previously treated by tendon lengthening surgery).
The club feet are then repositioned and stabilised in casts. This avoids the necessity of an operation to correct the defect.
Stops drooling by blocking the salivary glands in stroke patients.
Relieves spasm of anal fissures, a painful condition.
Helps relieve prostatism in men, a common condition of ageing.
Relieves the spasm of Achalasia and osophageal sphincter problems that involve difficulty swallowing.
Clinical trials are underway for treatment of Obesity which involve injecting the stomach muscles which result in distention of the stomach wall and satiety (feeling of fullness).