Reshape Meal "On The Run"

Excellent weight loss can be achieved by the "meal in a glass" which is already prepared, pre-weighed and can be enjoyed on the run. It contains only high-grade, easily absorbed proteins and carbohydrates combined with a range of unique fibres which promote satiety and assist in the stabilization of blood sugar, insulin levels and syndrome X, which are all essential for successful long-term weight loss. The sachets are the correct portion size and one meal assist will provide 1/3 of the daily dietary requirements. "Reshape Meal on The Run" is completely hassle free; all that is required is to just add water. It comes in three flavours: strawberry, vanilla and chocolate.
Reshape GTF Supplement

The Reshape GTF (Glucose Tolerance Supreme) supreme supplement is a unique combination of Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids. A wide range of symptoms can be assisted by this product, that it can be regarded as an all rounder especially if a person is fatigued, stressed and definitely if there are any blood sugar problems or weight loss issues. The Reshape GTF Supreme assists with: fatigue, poor energy levels, leaky gut syndrome, liver detoxification, cravings & addictions; immune system booster and stabilizes mood swings.
Cellulite Cream

The Ingredients: Dr Heyn's Cellulite Cream contains a unique combination of the following three ingredients; Aminophylline, Caffeine and Yohimbine. The three main ingredients of the cream have been shown to reduce cellulite by improving the metabolism of the abnormal fat cells. With the combination of exercise and a reduced calorie diet Aminophyline, Caffeine and Yohimbine triggers lipolysis (fat break down) and blocks lipogenesis (fat storage). The unique formulation of the cream carries the active ingredient to the Hypodermis (internal layer) of the skin where cellulite is situated. Application: Apply x 2 daily by massaging the cream like in a circular motion to the problem area. The areas that would respond best to the cream are the hips and thighs as there are more alpha receptors.