Sinclair Aesthetics, announces the arrival of the Velashape ll ™ by Syneron, the next generation of the VelaSmooth ™ device. A four- in- one treatment , Velashape ll™ is the first and only non-surgical FDA-cleared medical device for the Body Reshaping market using Circumferential Reduction. Velashape ll ™ is also the first FDA class II cleared platform for Cellulite Treatment.
How does the Velashape™ work?
As we age, our imperfections turn into multi-layered problems Velashape ll with its combination of infrared and conducted RF energies precisely heats the dermal and the hypodermal tissue within the target treatment area and reduces the size of the actual fat cells in the treated area. Vacuum and specially designed rollers for the Mechanical Massage smooth out the skin to facilitate safe and efficient heat energy delivery. This combination of Radio frequency and infra-red light (Els™), aids in new collagen remodeling to tighten sagging and lax skin especially on the neck. Lymphatic drainage is also increased.
What are the typical areas that are treated?
A double chin and flabby jowls does not necessarily come with age and these signs are usually recognised when one sees oneself in profile or in photographs. Double chins or neck waddles are the result of excess fat or hanging loose skin or both.
At Sinclair Aesthetics, we offer non surgical combinations of treatments such as Velashape ll, that reduce fat cells and tighten skin on the face and body. The sooner these procedures are started to improve collagen levels, the better the long term outcome.
VelaShape ll treats:
- Double chin
- Saggy Jowls
- Crepe-like neck area
- Flabby arms
- Fatty/flabby abdomen
- Love Handles
- Inner and outer thighs
- Calves
When should one start Velashape Rejuvenation™?
As one ages, the skin's elasticity declines dramatically, and gravity constantly pulls on our bodies. Today's savvy patients and consumers are looking for treatments and services that work in concert with their home products to provide more discernible results for anti ageing. The good news is that the latest treatments involve combinations that are more effective than ever and treatments should be started before the sagging and double chins deteriorate to a level which is more resistant to treatment. Velashape ll, stimulates the fibroblasts to produce collagen, which is the major support structure for the skin. It also reduces the fat content of the skin. If thirty-year-olds + opt for preventative non invasive procedures, a new trend will develop resulting in a much different type of ageing than older generations.
How can Velashape ll Skin Rejuvenation give back a youthful appearance and help the ageing process?
There are different types of skin and we all age differently. No matter how well we look after our skin, the inevitable ageing will take place. One can maintain a "Hollywood face" by keeping one's skin firm and taught with collagen to avoid the inevitable sagging that takes place over time. Tighter, firmer skin supports the face and prevents the other soft tissues in our face and the muscles from sagging.
How many Velashape ll treatments are needed?
1 Treatment per week for 4 -6 weeks. Rather than waiting until their problems are bothersome again, patients must appreciate that maintenance goes a long way and a Velashape ll treatment every 2 - 4 months will help maintain results.
What is the cost of Velashape ll treatments?
As best results are seen after 4 - 6 treatments every client is provided with a fully customised year long solution dependant on the patient's age, relevant skin problem, budget and expectations. The effects of each treatment is accumulative meaning that the results of each previous treatment is improved with each additional treatment and the best results come down the line when new collagen that is stimulated remodels and a further tightening effect is noticed.
Is Velashape ll ™ safe?
At Sinclair Aesthetics, numerous Velashape ll™ treatments have been administered to our patients with great results with virtually no side effects. If you are prone to bruising, slight redness of the skin post treatment may occur which resolves without any consequences.
Can all skin types be safely treated with Velashape ll™?
Yes, Velashape™ safely treats all skin types without significant pain or down-time. The only patients who cannot be treated are pregnant females or patients with pace makers.